THERE IS A HAPPINESS THAT MORNING IS tracks the fallout after two classics professors, teaching William Blake’s “Songs of Innocence and Experience”, get caught having sex on the campus green. Dramatic argument, declarations of passion and celebration of this fleeting, and ridiculous, trip of life ensue—in verse.
Of THERE IS A HAPPINESS THAT MORNING IS, TimeOut Chicago said:”In subtly, smartly rhymed verse, Maher’s play serves as both a primer on Blake and a critical inquiry into his work’s themes. In the afterglow of what he experienced as an act of ecstasy, Bernard practically beams with infant joy himself, while Ellen seethes with dark knowledge and doubt. How do innocence and experience reconcile themselves in the everyday of a 20-year love?…Maher’s text is almost endlessly engaging and frequently hilarious…tantalizing examination of love’s dark secrets.”
Aftermath of a song. (left to right: Geo Epsilanty, Valerie Façhman and Scott Baker). photo byJamie Lyons