This unusual staging features newly assembled selections of Beckett’s prose work, as well as several short plays Rough for Theatre I and II, Rough for Radio II, Not I, Come and Go, and Eh Joe. The audience will be led through the building into unique playing spaces created specifically for each play. Highlighting the vaudeville elements in Beckett's works, the processional will take on the feeling of a carnival sideshow. Directed by PUS co-founder Scott Baker, this production will show you why the Chicago press dubbed PUS “The Beckett Boys”. 

Audience is limited to 40 people per night, due to the processional nature of the event.


Come and Go: Sabrina de Mio, Ponder Goddard, Sylvia Hathaway

Not I: Valerie Fachman

Rough for Theatre I: Geo Epsilanty, James Udom

Eh Joe: Scott Baker, Allison Hunter Blackwell, Melissa Clason

Rough for Theatre II: Scott Baker, Geoff Bangs, Vince Faso

Rough for Radio II: Scott Baker, Melissa Clason,Vince Faso, John Lowell

Guides/Prose works: Allison Hunter Blackwell, Melissa Clason

