The reviews are in!
directed by
Albert Goodwin from the SF Bay Times:
“...the stage activity is non-stop under Scott Baker’s direction. The character exposition is clear-cut and they are unique personalities, well acted by the cast of seven. One decision by the director was to use a woman (Valerie Fachman, acting convincingly smug and self-satisfied) as Elvis. The play is mounted by Performers under Stress (PUS) a group from Chicago which has taken up residency at The Garage. The productions at this venue are always daring and outré, this one being no exception. The harsh life portrayed in Ghost Train is grim, but the outcome is touching, and the comedy provides an effective leavening.”
Nicole Gluckstern in the SF Bay Guardian:
“...frequent PUS collaborator Dale Tagtmeyer's understated performance as über-nebbishy Harry who falls for Monica Cortes Viharo's Jackie-O, is both convincing and poignant, and Vincent Faso's low-rent private investigator Melvin Purple is hilariously unhinged.”
assistant director
GHOST TRAIN COMING is a gritty, surreal, comic and spiritual exploration of Jackie-O’s life as a struggling American sex worker yearning to breathe free. Action is set in her ‘home office’—a rundown SRO somewhere in L.A., where Jackie-O supposedly lives alone in order to accommodate multifarious client and business associate visits we witness.
But who is that creature who suddenly emerges from Jackie’s storage trunk or bathroom, spinning enigmatic backwoods tales, crooning Elvis standards, or requesting more of Jackie-O’s unique tattoos? As drama builds in Jackie-O’s life, it appears that her deepening relationship with ‘the King’ is somehow indispensable to her salvation.
GHOST TRAIN COMING opens October 30th, 2008 and runs through November 22 at The Garage, 975 Howard St. To get more info or to join our mailing list, send email to
Call 415-585-1221 for reservations. Admission is $7 plus the roll of two dice at the door (so, $9-$19) or $15 advance purchase at